
Techno babble

Hello! This edition of the newsletter brings a look at the progress of the comic I’m making, called “Meta-memorial”, and some notes on an old comic I reposted. Plus, the extra section about recommendable things from elsewhere.

Comic: in progress

Moving forward with the story. I’ve been sharing the full progress of this comic in Patreon, and I’m finally getting to the final portion. This one has a tricky overlay of two things happening at the same time, the chat conversation in the one hand, and the interaction of the two girls, meanwhile, in the VR world.
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I think when I finally look at the whole story, I’ll be able to move some things around for clarity. This is the kind of comic I can only know for sure it works, by finishing it.
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Currently, drawing a sci-fi tale about “bots”, or digital spaces, feels like every subject is going to seem dated in weeks time. Who says “VR” anymore? Will we still be using the “meta” branded concept in a year from now? But I’m hoping the issues of grief and healing that the story tries to tackle will still be relevant, even if the techno babble ages wrong.

From the archives: Mystery Tourism

I shared another story from the archives on Tumblr, this time it’s Mystery Tourism (originally from 2016). I can tell, by the faces in the comic, that I was devouring all graphic novels by the Italian Gipi around that time. He’s got such a nice range from sadness to comedy. His characters tend to have this goofy expression when diving into their own tragedies, and I believe there's something that comes from that type of expressions in here.
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In my comic, two rival, touristic destinations compete among which one has the best murder mystery. There were many instances to draw some goofiness with these characters, but probably my favorite panel is the young chess genius photo.
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Here’s the updated Tumblr version, if you want to read the full comic. (no Tumblr account needed to read it).

What Else is There

I’ve been watching a new anime series called Kaina of the Great Snow Sea, created by Tsutomu Nihei, of Blame! and Knights of Sidonia fame. Here, Nihei changed his usual labyrinthine worlds made of dark passages and giant pipes, for a planetary ecosystem based around giant trees that hold an atmospheric veil over a semiaquatic world. It has a certain Nausicaa vibe in the character designs (which itself, at the time, was influenced by European comic artists like Moebius) and I think it’ll please those of you interested in world building, and fantasy ecology. The animation is 3D based, but it’s less stiff than Sidonia’s. It serves well the purpose of letting the camera roam over an interesting world.

I started playing a solo RPG adventure (with 1 game master, and me as a player) in the online platform Role Gate. I’ve never played forum play-by-post games before, but I feel Role Gate does a good job of handing the needed tools for a slow, turn based real persons interactions. We’re playing a Kult adventure called The Driver, in my case, about a heist gone wrong. Good stuff.

That’s all for now! I hope you have a great week, and thanks a lot for reading. As usual, feel free to send comments to the reply address of this newsletter or join the Discord server for further conversation. And of course, support in Patreon is deeply appreciated.

I’ll see you soon with new stories and art.
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